Saturday, February 11, 2012

qp Philosophical and Sociological bases of Education

B.Ed. Degree Model Examination

Semester I

Common course: EDU 701

Philosophical and Sociological bases of Education

Duration : 3 Hrs.

Part A

Answer all bunches given below

I .Choose the right answer from the brackets.

  1. The education which involves and exchanging of ideas and experiences between the educated group and the experienced group.
    1. Continuing education b. adult education c. extension education d. distance education.
  2. The method adopted by existentialists in the method of teaching
    1. Project method b. play way method c. inductive-deductive method. d . socretic method.
  3. The educationist who promoted the use of gifts and occupations.

a. montisoory b. Froebel .C. Illich D . friere.

  1. The father of educational sociology.

a. Augste Comte b. Ogburn. C. George payn d. E.B. Tauler.

II. Fill in the blanks.

  1. -------- are judgments on what is desirable or valuable in ones life.
  2. ---------is an autonomous body established by the UGC to assess and accredit institutions of higher education in the country.

7. The etymological meaning of education is --------

8. One who removes darkness is ----------------

III. State whether true or false.

9. Negative education is self education.

10. John Dewey wrote the first American Psychology text book titled “Psychology in 1886”.

11. Culture is inborn.

12.Rabindranath Tagore was a naturalist.

IV. Match the following.

13. Sociology : Willim James

14. Existentialism : Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.

15. Pragmatism. : Auguste Comte

16 .Guiding Souls : George Payne.

Part B

Answer any Six questions in Two sentences.

17. What is meant by competency based teacher education?

18. Why should teachers have professional organization?

19. What are the educational activities of NCERT

20. What according to “Mahatma Gandhi” are the aims of education?

21. Define culture.

22. Teaching profession is a mother profession. Explain.

23. Mention the role of peer group in socializing the child.

24. How is modernization affected through science and technology?

Part C

Answer any Four questions about two pages each.

25. Examine the statement “Education begins in womb and ends in tomb.”

26. Discuss the relationship between sociology and education.

27. What is the importance of an in-service education for teachers?

28. Explain the significance of value oriented education in our country. What are the problems faced by teachers in providing value education.

29. All educational changes tend to follow social change.Discus

30. Basic education is not merely a preparation for life, but it is life itself. Substantiate your answer.

Part D

Answer any Two questions about Three pages each.

31. The naturalist school of philosophy is revolutionary with respect to curriculum, role of teacher and method of instruction. Explain.

32. Describe the role of a teacher as a social engineer. Mention the qualities of a good teacher.

33. Explain the nature of values and its classification. Mention the national values laid down in the constitution of India.

qp ohysical scence

B.Ed. Degree Model Examination

Semester I

Core course: EDU 705.17

Approaches and practices of teaching Physical Science

Duration : 3 Hrs.

Part A

Answer all bunches given below

I .Choose the right answer from the brackets.

1 Project method is an offshoot of the following philosophy

A] Idealism B] Naturalism C]Existentialism D]pragmatism)

2 Lecture method is a

A] Learner centered method B] Teacher centered method

C] Activity centered method D] Llife centered method)

3 Multiple intelligence theory was proposed by

A] Howard Gardner B]Piaget C]Vygotski D]Bruner)

4 the specification for the objective Application is

A] compares B]infers C] identifies D] discriminates)

II. Fill in the blanks.

5 ___________ is a type of reasoning in which the mind moves from general to particular

6 ___________ is a scaled down teaching Encounter

7 the main contribution of Vygotski to Educational practices is ___________

8 ___________ is a small group technique.

III. State whether true or false.

9 Hypothesis is a tentative solution to a problem

10 Sun contains helium is an observation

11 Preconceptions promote learning.

12 There are five families in models of teaching

IV. Match the following.


13 Project Method B F Skinner

14 Heuristic Method Helen Parkhurst

15 Scientific Method Proff: Armstrong

16 Dalton plan Kilpatrick



Part B

Answer any Six questions in Two sentences.

17 What do you mean by Misconceptions in science?

18 Distinguish between independent and dependent variables?

19 What is supervised study?

20 What is Buzz session?

21 What is nurturent effects of Concept Attainment Model?

22 Which are the steps in Problem solving method?

23 Comment on Brain storming?

Part C

Answer any Four questions about two pages each.

25 Heuristic method

26 Programmed learning

27 Syntax of concept attainment model

28 Individualized laboratory method

29 Multiple Intelligence theory

30 Lecture cum Demonstration method

Part D

Answer any Two questions about Three pages each.

31 Discuss Scientific Method of investigation. Explain the steps involved and different ways of drawing out inferences.

32 Discuss Project method, its steps and types

33 Explain the Taxonomy of Educational Objectives proposed by McCormack and Yager.

qp social science

B.Ed. Degree Model Examination

Semester I

Core course: EDU 704-19

Theoretical bases of Social Science Education

Duration : 3 Hrs.

Part A

Answer all bunches given below

I. Choose the right answer from the brackets.

1. Social science “as a body of knowledge and thought pertaining to human affairs as distinguished from sticks and stones ,stars and physical objects”

(Beard, Hanna, Bining and Bining)

2. Forming and testing hypothesis is associated with

(Social skill, Group work skill, Intellectual skill)

3. Which one is not related to the professional growth of a teacher?

(Seminar, politics, workshop)

4. Curriculum “is the tool in the hands of the artist to mould his materials in his studio”

(Cunninghalm, Wesley, Doll)

II. Fill in the blanks

5. Class test is ________ evaluation

6. _________ is the consistency of test results.

7. The aggressive regionalism of LTTE hinders the _________ of Srilanka.

8. _________ provide first hand learning experience which are real and life like.

III. State whether true\false

9. The Aim of teaching Social Science is to understand a particular concept,

10. Sudden observable behavioral change is called objective

11. Revision become easy is the merits of concentric approach.

12. A mountain is an example of resource of economic interest

IV. Match the following;

13. Collateral Reading -- OHP

14. Social sciences Room -- Bank

15. Community Resources -- Marriage

16. Social institutions -- Periodicals

-- Slides

Part B

Answer any 5 questions about two sentences

17. Write a note on the scope of Social Science

18. What are the important skills to be developed by teaching of social science?

19. Write a note on activities of Social Science club.

20. What are the merits and demerits of objective type test items.

21. How can be enlarging the horizon of professional potentialities of teacher?

22. Write a note on spiral approach in teaching Social Science.

23. What is the importance of a Social Science Museum in every school?

24. What are the requisites for a good work book in Social Science?

Part C

Answer any 4 questions about two pages each

25. Explain the important qualities of a good Social Science text book.

26. How will you equip a Social Science Room?

27. Distinguish between Social Science and Social Studies.

28. How do you use source method in lessons?

29. What is the need and importance of a Social Science Library?

30. How can you create the feeling of National Integration by teaching Social Science

Part D

Answer any 2 questions about three pages each

31. What are the essential Qualities of a Social Science Teacher/ Evaluate the Social Science teacher’s role in the present scenario?

32. Define Curriculum -- what are the principles of organizing Social Science curriculum?

33. What are the steps and principles kept in mind to choose project as a method of teaching.

qp natural science

B.Ed. Degree Model Examination 2011 March Semester I

Core course: EDU 704.18

Theoretical Bases of Natural Science

Duration : 3 Hrs

Part A

Answer all bunches given below

I .Choose the right answer from the brackets.

1. Learner is placed in the position of an “investigator” in

a] Dalton plan b] inductive method

c] heuristic method d] biographical method

2. NCERT is related to India in the same way as the Nuffield is related to

a] USA b] UK c] Australia d] China

3. the term “scientia” means

a] knowledge b] to discover c] wisdom d] search

4. the role of teacher in constructivist class room is

a] instructor b] guide c] scaffolder d] friend

II. Fill in the blanks.

5. A student who achieves below his intellectual level is known as___________.

6. According to Cunningham ‘the tool’ in the definition of curriculum stands for ___________.

7. Class test is a ___________ evaluation.

8. Problem solving stage in Gagne’s hierarchy of learning is proceeded by___________.

III. State whether true or false.

9. Curriculum is analogues to syllabus.

10. Term end examinations are examples of CCE.

11. Text book provides first hand experience to students.

12. Revision become easy is the merit of concentric approach.

IV. Match the following.


13. multiple intelligence : Piaget

14. advance organizers : Pestalozzi

15. cognitive learning theory : Ausubel

16. theory of cognitive development : Gardner

: Bruner

Part B

Answer any Five questions in Two sentences.

17. Define topic approach.

18. What is scientific literacy?

19. What is teacher exchange programme.

20. What is the purpose of NSTSS?

21. Define eco-friendly approach.

22. What do you mean by modern agricultural practices?

23. What is scientific attitude?

24. what is type study

Part C

Answer any Four questions about two pages each.

25. Discuss the principles of syllabus/curriculum construction.

26. Give programmes for slow learners in teaching natural science.

27. Give ways and mean of developing professional competencies of science teachers.

28. Briefly explain the impact of natural science teaching in achieving the national goals of education.

29. Give short notes on NCERT, SCERT, NCF 2005.

30. Explain the new concept of evaluation now exist in secondary schools

Part D

Answer any Two questions about Three pages each.

31. Science is both process and product. explain

32. Explain the various approaches of organizing content in the curriculum.

33. Give an appraisal of the new trends in curriculum like BSCS and Nuffield.


B.Ed. Degree Model Examination

Semester I

Core course: EDU 705.18

Approaches and practices of teaching Natural Science

Duration : 3 Hrs.

Part A

Answer all bunches given below

I .Choose the right answer from the brackets.

1. advance organisermodel of teaching is developed by

a] Hilda Taba b] Piaget c] Bruner d] Ausubel

2. the learner is placed in the position of an investigator in

a] Dalton paln b] inducative method c] Biographical method d] Heuristic method

3. The learning strategy following idealistic philosophy

a] project b] lecture method c] problem solving d] Heuristic

4. micro teaching is also known as

a] correlation b] scaled down technique c] simulation d] interdisciplinary approach

II. Fill in the blanks.

5. ___________ is a science journal.

6. ___________ is a scaled down teaching technique.

7. The objective comprehension is coming under ___________ domain.

8. brain storming is a technique used in ___________ method

III. State whether true or false.

9. Hypothesis is a tentative solution of a problem.

10. peg board is a display aid used in science class rooms.

11. Dalton plan developed by D W Allen.

12. The headmaster should be the patron of science club.

IV. Match the following.


13. project : D W Allen

14. brain storming : Skinner

15. linear programming : Kilpatrick

16. micro teaching : Osborn

: Bruner

Part B

Answer any Five questions in Two sentences.

17. Give the taxonomy of instructional objectives of Benjamin S. Bloom?

18. What is reflective teaching?

19. Give the limitations of historical/ biographical method

20. “project is life itself” comment

21. Define the concept co-operative learning

22. Distinguish between a science journal and magazine.

23. What is a resource unit?

24. Give an account of display aids.

Part C

Answer any Four questions about two pages each.

25. Project method is highly suitable for science learning. Discuss

26. Give the qualities of good science text book.

27. Give different activities of Nature Club.

28. Write short notes on Piagets contribution to science.

29. State the educational significance of science exhibition. How it differs from a science fair

30. What is programmed learning?

Part D

Answer any Two questions about Three pages each.

31. Explain the taxonomy of educational objectives by MC Cormack and Yager [1989].

32. Science is a process and product at the same time. Explain?

33. Use of audio visual aids will foster process of learning. Substantiate with illustrations.