Saturday, February 11, 2012

qp social science

B.Ed. Degree Model Examination

Semester I

Core course: EDU 704-19

Theoretical bases of Social Science Education

Duration : 3 Hrs.

Part A

Answer all bunches given below

I. Choose the right answer from the brackets.

1. Social science “as a body of knowledge and thought pertaining to human affairs as distinguished from sticks and stones ,stars and physical objects”

(Beard, Hanna, Bining and Bining)

2. Forming and testing hypothesis is associated with

(Social skill, Group work skill, Intellectual skill)

3. Which one is not related to the professional growth of a teacher?

(Seminar, politics, workshop)

4. Curriculum “is the tool in the hands of the artist to mould his materials in his studio”

(Cunninghalm, Wesley, Doll)

II. Fill in the blanks

5. Class test is ________ evaluation

6. _________ is the consistency of test results.

7. The aggressive regionalism of LTTE hinders the _________ of Srilanka.

8. _________ provide first hand learning experience which are real and life like.

III. State whether true\false

9. The Aim of teaching Social Science is to understand a particular concept,

10. Sudden observable behavioral change is called objective

11. Revision become easy is the merits of concentric approach.

12. A mountain is an example of resource of economic interest

IV. Match the following;

13. Collateral Reading -- OHP

14. Social sciences Room -- Bank

15. Community Resources -- Marriage

16. Social institutions -- Periodicals

-- Slides

Part B

Answer any 5 questions about two sentences

17. Write a note on the scope of Social Science

18. What are the important skills to be developed by teaching of social science?

19. Write a note on activities of Social Science club.

20. What are the merits and demerits of objective type test items.

21. How can be enlarging the horizon of professional potentialities of teacher?

22. Write a note on spiral approach in teaching Social Science.

23. What is the importance of a Social Science Museum in every school?

24. What are the requisites for a good work book in Social Science?

Part C

Answer any 4 questions about two pages each

25. Explain the important qualities of a good Social Science text book.

26. How will you equip a Social Science Room?

27. Distinguish between Social Science and Social Studies.

28. How do you use source method in lessons?

29. What is the need and importance of a Social Science Library?

30. How can you create the feeling of National Integration by teaching Social Science

Part D

Answer any 2 questions about three pages each

31. What are the essential Qualities of a Social Science Teacher/ Evaluate the Social Science teacher’s role in the present scenario?

32. Define Curriculum -- what are the principles of organizing Social Science curriculum?

33. What are the steps and principles kept in mind to choose project as a method of teaching.

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