Saturday, February 11, 2012

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B.Ed. Degree Model Examination

Semester I

Core course: EDU 705.17

Approaches and practices of teaching Physical Science

Duration : 3 Hrs.

Part A

Answer all bunches given below

I .Choose the right answer from the brackets.

1 Project method is an offshoot of the following philosophy

A] Idealism B] Naturalism C]Existentialism D]pragmatism)

2 Lecture method is a

A] Learner centered method B] Teacher centered method

C] Activity centered method D] Llife centered method)

3 Multiple intelligence theory was proposed by

A] Howard Gardner B]Piaget C]Vygotski D]Bruner)

4 the specification for the objective Application is

A] compares B]infers C] identifies D] discriminates)

II. Fill in the blanks.

5 ___________ is a type of reasoning in which the mind moves from general to particular

6 ___________ is a scaled down teaching Encounter

7 the main contribution of Vygotski to Educational practices is ___________

8 ___________ is a small group technique.

III. State whether true or false.

9 Hypothesis is a tentative solution to a problem

10 Sun contains helium is an observation

11 Preconceptions promote learning.

12 There are five families in models of teaching

IV. Match the following.


13 Project Method B F Skinner

14 Heuristic Method Helen Parkhurst

15 Scientific Method Proff: Armstrong

16 Dalton plan Kilpatrick



Part B

Answer any Six questions in Two sentences.

17 What do you mean by Misconceptions in science?

18 Distinguish between independent and dependent variables?

19 What is supervised study?

20 What is Buzz session?

21 What is nurturent effects of Concept Attainment Model?

22 Which are the steps in Problem solving method?

23 Comment on Brain storming?

Part C

Answer any Four questions about two pages each.

25 Heuristic method

26 Programmed learning

27 Syntax of concept attainment model

28 Individualized laboratory method

29 Multiple Intelligence theory

30 Lecture cum Demonstration method

Part D

Answer any Two questions about Three pages each.

31 Discuss Scientific Method of investigation. Explain the steps involved and different ways of drawing out inferences.

32 Discuss Project method, its steps and types

33 Explain the Taxonomy of Educational Objectives proposed by McCormack and Yager.

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