Saturday, February 11, 2012


B.Ed. Degree Model Examination

Semester I

Core course: EDU 705.18

Approaches and practices of teaching Natural Science

Duration : 3 Hrs.

Part A

Answer all bunches given below

I .Choose the right answer from the brackets.

1. advance organisermodel of teaching is developed by

a] Hilda Taba b] Piaget c] Bruner d] Ausubel

2. the learner is placed in the position of an investigator in

a] Dalton paln b] inducative method c] Biographical method d] Heuristic method

3. The learning strategy following idealistic philosophy

a] project b] lecture method c] problem solving d] Heuristic

4. micro teaching is also known as

a] correlation b] scaled down technique c] simulation d] interdisciplinary approach

II. Fill in the blanks.

5. ___________ is a science journal.

6. ___________ is a scaled down teaching technique.

7. The objective comprehension is coming under ___________ domain.

8. brain storming is a technique used in ___________ method

III. State whether true or false.

9. Hypothesis is a tentative solution of a problem.

10. peg board is a display aid used in science class rooms.

11. Dalton plan developed by D W Allen.

12. The headmaster should be the patron of science club.

IV. Match the following.


13. project : D W Allen

14. brain storming : Skinner

15. linear programming : Kilpatrick

16. micro teaching : Osborn

: Bruner

Part B

Answer any Five questions in Two sentences.

17. Give the taxonomy of instructional objectives of Benjamin S. Bloom?

18. What is reflective teaching?

19. Give the limitations of historical/ biographical method

20. “project is life itself” comment

21. Define the concept co-operative learning

22. Distinguish between a science journal and magazine.

23. What is a resource unit?

24. Give an account of display aids.

Part C

Answer any Four questions about two pages each.

25. Project method is highly suitable for science learning. Discuss

26. Give the qualities of good science text book.

27. Give different activities of Nature Club.

28. Write short notes on Piagets contribution to science.

29. State the educational significance of science exhibition. How it differs from a science fair

30. What is programmed learning?

Part D

Answer any Two questions about Three pages each.

31. Explain the taxonomy of educational objectives by MC Cormack and Yager [1989].

32. Science is a process and product at the same time. Explain?

33. Use of audio visual aids will foster process of learning. Substantiate with illustrations.

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